TP Organics’ Science Day at BIOFACH / VIVANESS eSPECIAL will take place on Friday, February 19, from 11:00-12:45 (CET) under the title ‘Innovating for organic food processing’. It will be an interactive session in which it will be possible to learn more about funding opportunities for the organic sector, and organic food companies in particular, and current research on organic processing at European level.
This year, the trade fair duo BIOFACH / VIVANESS will take place on 17-19 February 2021 fully virtually as ‘eSPECIAL’, with the main Congress theme ‘Shaping transformation. Stronger. Together.’. As part of the BIOFACH Congress, TP Organics’ Science Day will bring together researchers, European Commission representatives and national governments funding organic research.
With the European Commission starting to regulate organic processing methods, many operators need to better understand the background and concepts to qualify a processing technology as compatible with the organic regulation. With Horizon Europe, the EU’s new research programme starting this year, the Science Day will look at opportunities for organic companies in the first Work Programme (2021-2022). The new European Partnership for Safe and Sustainable Food Systems (expected start in 2023) will be presented by Dr. Hans-Jörg Lutzeyer, Scientific Officer at DG RTD (European Commission) from policy side, and by Dr. Hugo de Vries, Research Director at the French research institute INRAE from research/science perspective.
Furthermore, two CORE Organic research projects that contribute to improve organic food processing will share their experiences and ideas for further research:
SUSORGPLUS, coordinated by Kassel University (Germany), aims to improve the drying processes for organic products in terms of sustainability and product quality.
ProOrg, coordinated by research institute CREA (Italy), is developing a set of strategies and tools (Code of Practice) to help organic food processors select appropriate technologies.
The full programme of TP Organics’ Science Day can be found on the TP Organics website, and your ticket can be booked at this LINK. Explanations on how to join the BIOFACH Congress during the ‘onboarding’ will follow.
More information is available on the BIOFACH website and in the FAQ for visitors .
Source: TP Organics