Ricerca: una soluzione ecologica contro i funghi patogeni di lattuga e indivia

I funghi patogeni causano ogni anno il 13% delle perdite agricole a livello mondiale. Nell'agricoltura convenzionale si utilizzano fungicidi di sintesi per combatterli, ma questi presentano degli inconvenienti, tra cui lo sviluppo di resistenze e gli effetti negativi sugli ecosistemi e sulla salute umana. Inoltre, la domanda di alimenti privi di pesticidi è in aumento. Un nuovo progetto, ‘Enhance’, è alla ricerca di strategie di controllo innovative ed ecologiche contro alcune malattie fungine.

The Management of Fungal Diseases in Organic Production Systems Through a Mixture of Durum Wheat Varieties

Fungal diseases are a yield-limiting factor for wheat. Their management in organic production systems is one of the prevailing challenges because it must be based mainly on indirect measures through agricultural practices. Variety mixtures are one of these practices, a concept that has been demonstrated to improve several factors affecting yield. Recently, it has become a practice that enables sustainability in agriculture.

Strategies to reduce sooty mould infection in organic apple production - Strategie per ridurre le infezione da fumaggini in produzione biologica di mele

The sooty mould consists of many pathogens that vary from year to year but also during the season. The damage can be seen by dark spots on the surface. During storage, the spots can increase in size. The use of field covers (e.g., Keep in Touch System) reduces the infestation. The use of brushing machines on the fruit after storage favours the cleaning of the fruit from spots. The risk of infestation is lower when the orchard is in airy areas and when early-maturing varieties are used.