Agronomical practices to reduce the risk of Rosy apple aphid (Dysaphis plantaginea) occurrence in organic fruit production (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract)

Rosy apple aphid causes leaf crumple, hinders shoot development, and leads to deformed, small, unmarketable fruits. Honeydew production also causes the development of saprophytic fungi.

Correct agronomical management such as optimal nitrogen (N) fertilisation, irrigation, pruning, and control of the secondary host of the aphid can reduce the incidence of the pest.

Alternate mowing in organic orchards as a biodiversity enhancement measure

Beneficial insects often lack enough food supply and nesting spots in orchards. Most of the measures to enhance biodiversity also require investment for implementation. Alternate mowing is a cheap, easy and fast implementable measure to raise food and nesting supply of natural antagonists. The workload decreases, and therefore it saves time and costs. Alternating mulching preserves the driving lanes and increases the diversity of other indifferent plant and animal species in the orchard.

1° Webinar LiveSeeding sull'imprenditorialità nel settore delle sementi e dell'allevamento biologico

Il webinar dell'Ue "Entrepreneurship in the organic seeds and breeding sector" (Imprenditorialità nel settore delle sementi biologiche e dell'allevamento) si terrà il 13 e 14 dicembre 2023, dalle 9.30 alle 13.00 CET. L'obiettivo è rafforzare le conoscenze e le competenze necessarie, per iniziative esistenti o potenziali, al fine di intraprendere un'attività imprenditoriale nel settore delle sementi e della riproduzione di piante biologiche.

Organic fertilizers in fruit orchards

A BioFruitNet practice abstract. Fertilization of organic fruit orchards strongly relies on authorized external commercial fertilizers leading to nutrient flows from conventional into organic farming systems. The use of alternative fertilizers including legume-based materials and non-contentious external commercial fertilizers, should be based on locally available resourced. An integrated approach is recommended.

Practices to improve soil fertility and nutrient availability in organic fruit orchards

A BioFruitNet practice abstract. Organic fruit orchards are dependent on commercial organic fertilizers derived from intensive conventional animal husbandry. These inputs are contentious and to be phased out. As a solution,  it is possible to develop new fertilization strategies based on farm internal resources (e.g., clover based), plant-based sources (e.g., grain legumes as living mulch in the tree row, cover crops).

Progetto BRESOV: un’indagine per gli operatori del settore sulla coltivazione biologica degli ortaggi

L'aumento della popolazione mondiale e il cambiamento delle condizioni climatiche creano sfide nutrizionali. Nell'ambito del progetto europeo BRESOV (Breeding for Resilient, Efficient and Sustainable Organic Vegetable production), il FiBL Svizzera e diversi istituti partner internazionali conducono ricerche per scoprire come migliorare la produttività di diverse colture orticole nell'agricoltura biologica e sostenibile.