CIHEAM: premio Innovazione Giovani per contribuire a rendere più verdi i sistemi alimentari del Mediterraneo

Nel novembre 2024, il CIHEAM premierà una soluzione innovativa nell'ambito della seconda edizione del suo Youth Innovation Award. Il CIHEAM Youth Innovation Award for Green and Blue Transformation in the Mediterranean mira a promuovere soluzioni innovative che contribuiscano a rendere più verdi i sistemi alimentari del Mediterraneo, migliorando al contempo il benessere umano e l'equità sociale, riducendo i rischi e le carenze ambientali e contribuendo ad azzerare l'impatto sul clima.

Un Manifesto di IFoam Organics Europe per le prossime elezioni europee: sei priorità da affrontare per la transizione verso sistemi alimentari sostenibili e aree rurali europee vitali

Organics Europe presenta un Manifesto che espone una visione per aree rurali europee vitali in cui l’agricoltura sia sostenibile, resiliente e giusta. L’agricoltura biologica è al centro di questa visione, incarnando pratiche non solo benefiche per l’ambiente, ma anche economicamente sostenibili. Il biologico è parte della soluzione alle sfide che l’agricoltura europea deve affrontare oggi.

Preparing the next generation of professionals for resilience in agroecosystems

The publication provides an overview of the research carried out by the SARe Master students in their home countries as part of their second-year activities. They conducted field research on problems related to specific agroecosystems and of concern to small-scale farmers, pastoralists, local institutions and organisations. The focus was on food products, value chains, natural resource management, innovation systems and agricultural services.

Sustainability in organic breeding - Improving the entire system or adjusting some genes?

The briefing provides an overview of the organic food and farming movement’s understanding of sustainability in crop breeding. As IFOAM Organics Europe, the European organic umbrella organisation and voice of organic with the EU institutions, we wrote this document to assess and counter the European Commission’s narrow and problematic approach to sustainability traits in plant breeding.

An action-research exploration of value chain development from field to consumer based on organic hempseed oil in Sicily

Although hemp cultivation is increasingly perceived as a promising option in terms of crop diversification, especially in semi-arid conditions such as in the Mediterranean region, its adoption remains limited thus constraining the development of hemp value chains at a larger scale. Our objective was to explore suitable conditions, at farm and downstream levels, for organic hempseed oil production in Sicily, taking on an action-research perspective that involves local actors.