“Organic Greenhouse Production: Towards an Agroecological Approach in the Framework of the New European Regulation—A Review“

The next challenge of organic farming, according to many authors, is to overcome the horizon of a method of agricultural production towards a wider agroecological perspective whose main objective is to change the dominant agri-food system. In parallel with the discussion on the future of organic farming, In the European Union (EU), the more intensive systems of organic production in protected conditions have been the object of debate among the main actors of organic farming in the Member States (MS).

UE: pubblichiamo il report elaborato dal gruppo di esperti UE per il biologico (EGTOP) sulla produzione biologica in serra.

Nel 2009 la Commissione UE ha istituito un gruppo di esperti per la consulenza tecnica sulla produzione biologica il cui lavoro è finalizzato a fornire supporto tecnico consultivo allo Standing Committee on Organic Farming (SCOF).