Biodynamic, organic and integrated agriculture effects on cv. Italia table grapes juice, over a 3‑year period experiment: an 1H NMR spectroscopy‑based metabolomics study
Background The new trend demanding for “natural” agri-food products has encouraged the application of more sustainable and eco-friendly farming methods, which limit or avoid the use of synthetic chemicals. This approach is increasing in viticulture, one of the sectors with the highest commercial value since grapes and derived products are largely consumed foodstuffs, with appreciated […]
A review of scientific research on biodynamic agriculture
Published on Organic Agriculture. Biodynamic agriculture (BD agriculture) was presented as an alternative form of agriculture by the philosopher Rudolf Steiner and is nowadays considered one of the forms of organic agriculture. The objective of the present manuscript is to critically review international scientific literature on biodynamic agriculture as published in highly ranked journals and […]
La Commissione pubblica un elenco di potenziali pratiche agricole.
La Commissione ha pubblicato una lista di potenziali pratiche agricole che gli eco-schemi potrebbero sostenere nella futura politica agricola comune (PAC). Questa lista mira a contribuire al dibattito sulla riforma della PAC e sul suo ruolo nel raggiungimento degli obiettivi del Green Deal. Questa lista aumenta anche la trasparenza del processo di definizione dei piani […]