Rosy apple aphid (Dysaphis plantaginea) management in organic fruit production – Controllo dell’afide grigrio (Dysaphis plantaginea) in melicoltura biologica

L’afide grigio del melo può causare perdite di produzione fino al 95%. I danni sono causati dalla paralisi della crescita delle gemme e dei frutti e dall’elevata produzione di melata, che può provocare la comparsa di fumaggini. I metodi di gestione più efficaci in melicoltura biologica sono le misure agronomiche preventive e il controllo diretto […]

Apple sawfly control in organic apple production

The apple sawfly, Hoplocampa testudinea Klug, is a hymenoptera of the family Tenthredinidae and poses a great challenge for organic apple growers. The publication offers information on how to: 1) Recognize and know the pest. 2) Evaluate its presence in the orchard. 3) Know the risk factors and control methods in organic farming. The control […]

Technical factsheet: Apple blossom weevil in organic farming

How to recognize, evaluate and manage the apple blossom weevil in organic apple orchards. The apple weevil, Anthonomus pomorum (L.), is a beetle of the Cucurlionidae family (weevil) and poses a great challenge for organic apple growers. This tool offers informations on how to: Recognize and know the pest. Evaluate its presence in the orchard. […]