Study on the environmental impacts of achieving 25% organic land by 2030

The report ‘Study on the environmental impacts of achieving 25% organic land by 2030’ outlines and quantifies the benefits – in terms of the environment, climate change mitigation, reduced nitrogen pollution and improved biodiversity – that would be obtained by achieving 25% organic farmland in the EU. In particular, total GHG emissions would be reduced […]

An Overview of Pest and Disease Occurrence in Organic Pome Fruit Orchards in Europe and on the Implementation of Practices for Their Control

There is limited data regarding the specific problems faced by organic fruit growers when dealing with plant protection, particularly at a European Union level, though some general knowledge about pest and disease incidence can be found. Such information is crucial to improve the efficacy of a targeted knowledge transfer to organic fruit growers and advisors […]

Promuovere l'agricoltura biologica in Africa: la FIBL pubblica un nuovo materiale formativo / Advancing organic agriculture in Africa: FIBL publishes new training material

L’agricoltura biologica e gli approcci agroecologici stanno acquisendo importanza in Africa, in quanto dovrebbero migliorare la salute dell’ambiente, la sicurezza nutrizionale e il benessere dei piccoli agricoltori e dei consumatori, contribuendo a diete sane e diversificate. Diversi studi condotti in ambienti temperati (principalmente in Europa o in America settentrionale) hanno stabilito i benefici dell’agricoltura biologica […]

Biodiversity and climate change adaptation on ecological organic farms in the Tropics

This factsheet introduces: how organic farmers can team up with a diversity of plants, animals and micro-organisms to increase their ability to adapt to changes and reduce risks. The information is based on long-term experiments and on-farm research conducted in the scope of three projects across different countries in Africa, as well as Bolivia and […]

IFOAM Organics Europe: pubblicato uno studio sugli impatti ambientali relativi al raggiungimento del 25% di terreni biologici entro il 2030 – IFOAM Organics Europe: a study on the environmental impacts of achieving 25% organic land by 2030 published

L’ambizioso obiettivo della strategia Farm to Fork dell’Unione europea di raggiungere il 25% di terreni agricoli biologici entro il 2030 è una chiara dichiarazione di riconoscimento dei benefici ambientali, sociali ed economici che l’agricoltura biologica può offrire. Lo studio (disponibile QUI) cerca di dare i numeri dei possibili benefici derivanti dal raggiungimento dell’obiettivo del 25%.  […]

Agroecological crop protection for sustainable agriculture

Crop losses from pests threaten global food security and safety. In the last six decades, pest control using chemical pesticides has resulted in important yield gains per unit area, worldwide. However, the long-term sustainability of chemical pest control has been increasingly thrown into doubt due to the negative impact on human health, biodiversity, and the […]

Land-use intensity and the effects of organic farming on biodiversity: a hierarchical meta-analysis

The benefits of organic farming to biodiversity in agricultural landscapes continue to be hotly debated, emphasizing the importance of precisely quantifying the effect of organic vs. conventional farming. The researchers conducted an updated hierarchical meta-analysis of studies that compared biodiversity under organic and conventional farming methods, measured as species richness. We calculated effect sizes for […]

Scale-dependent effectiveness of on-field vs. off-field agri-environmental measures for wild bees

The effectiveness of agri-environment schemes depends on scheme type, taxon and landscape. Here, we show how spatial scale, i.e. studied transect, field or farm level, and controlling for yield loss, can drastically change the evaluation of biodiversity benefits of on-field (organic farming) vs. off-field (flower strips) schemes. We selected ten agricultural landscapes in Central Germany, […]

Fertilizzanti biologici: il loro uso si traduce in una migliore salute del suolo e in una resa migliore nel lungo periodo

Un recente studio di Geoderma, “Long-term organic fertilizer substitution increases rice yield by improving soil properties and regulating soil bacteria”, mostra che, nel tempo, i rendimenti biologici possono eguagliare e persino superare quelli convenzionali quando la salute del suolo e la biodiversità che si sono sviluppate portano a una migliore produzione delle colture.  Le ricerche […]