Effects of biodynamic preparations 500 and 501 on vine and berry physiology, pedology and the soil microbiome

In the pursuit of increasing sustainability, climate change resiliency and independence of synthetic pesticides in agriculture, the interest of consumers and producers in organic and biodynamic farming has been steadily increasing in recent decennia. This is, in particular, the case for the vitivinicultural industry in Europe, where more and more producers are converting from organic […]

Biodynamic, organic and integrated agriculture effects on cv. Italia table grapes juice, over a 3‑year period experiment: an 1H NMR spectroscopy‑based metabolomics study

Background The new trend demanding for “natural” agri-food products has encouraged the application of more sustainable and eco-friendly farming methods, which limit or avoid the use of synthetic chemicals. This approach is increasing in viticulture, one of the sectors with the highest commercial value since grapes and derived products are largely consumed foodstuffs, with appreciated […]

Biological Activity of Extracts from Differently Produced Blueberry Fruits in Inhibiting Proliferation and Inducing Apoptosis of HT-29 Cells

For several decades, people have been searching for natural substances of plant origin that, when introduced into the diet, could strengthen immunity, have anticancer properties, and support conventional therapy. The development of agriculture with the implementation of various plant cultivation systems, apart from the economic aspect, results in the search for such cultivation conditions that […]

A review of scientific research on biodynamic agriculture

Published on Organic Agriculture. Biodynamic agriculture (BD agriculture) was presented as an alternative form of agriculture by the philosopher Rudolf Steiner and is nowadays considered one of the forms of organic agriculture. The objective of the present manuscript is to critically review international scientific literature on biodynamic agriculture as published in highly ranked journals and […]

“La qualità attraverso la biodinamica percepisce, sperimenta, sviluppa”: tema della conferenza annuale del Goetheanum


Si svolgerà on line dal 2 al 5 febbraio 2022 l’annuale conferenza sull’agricoltura biodinamica, centrata nel 2022 sul tema della qualità. E’ prevista anche la traduzione italiana. Il tema della Qualità è stato una questione importante per il movimento biodinamico sin dal suo inizio. C’è un costante aumento della quantità di terreni coltivati biodinamicamente, le aziende […]

Seconda Conferenza Internazionale sulla Ricerca Biodinamica

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Dal 30 agosto al 2 settembre 2021 si terrà la Seconda Conferenza internazionale sulla ricerca biodinamica (BDRC21). Dieci partner organizzeranno un programma ampio e variato. Alla conferenza, sotto il tema “Growing beyond Resilience”, vengono presentate ricerche accademiche, partecipative e pratiche del lavoro agricolo e del sistema alimentare. I partecipanti sono invitati a rispondere sul tema […]

Seconda conferenza internazionale sulla ricerca biodinamica: una call per contributi

C’è tempo fino il 25 febbraio per inviare un contributo alla seconda conferenza internazionale sulla ricerca biodinamica, evento che avrà luogo presso la Royal Agricultural University di Cirencester (UK) dal 30 agosto al 2 settembre 2021. Il tema della conferenza è “Growing beyond Resilience”. La ricerca accademica e degli agricoltori professionisti in agricoltura biodinamica e […]

The energy efficiency of organic agriculture: a review

Growing populations and a constrained fossil-manufactured energy supply present a major challenge for society and there is a real need to develop forms of agriculture that are less dependent on finite energy sources. It has been suggested that organic agriculture can provide amore energy efficient approach due to its focus on sustainable production methods.This review […]