Organics Europe: un evento dedicato ai giovani agricoltori ed imprenditori bio


FIBL, insieme ai partner IFOAM Organics Europe e Bio Suisse, organizza la prima edizione di une evento tutto dedicato ai giovani interessati all’agricoltura biologica, l”Organics Europe Youth Event-OEYE”, che avrà luogo dal 31.08. – 1.09.2022 presso il FiBL a Frick. L’evento mira a creare una piattaforma per i giovani attivi nel settore del biologico: giovani […]

Congresso Europeo del Biologico 2021: dal 16 al 18 giugno


Si è aperta la registrazione per il Congresso Europeo del Biologico 2021, che si svolgerà dal 16 al 18 giugno, online e in diretta da Lisbona. Questa edizione del Congresso è gratuita. Tra gli argomenti del Congresso di quest’anno, la politica agricola comune (PAC), i cambiamenti previsti nel nuovo regolamento UE sul biologico, il contributo […]

Reducing Global Warming and Adapting to Climate Change: The Potential of Organic Agriculture

Climate change mitigation is urgent, and adaptation to climate change is crucial, particularly in agriculture, where food security is at stake. Agriculture, currently responsible for 20-30% of global greenhouse gas emissions (counting direct and indirect agricultural emissions), can however contribute to both climate change mitigation and adaptation. The main mitigation potential lies in the capacity […]

Energy inputs, outputs and greenhouse gas emissions in organic, integrated and conventional peach orchards

The study was published in “Ecological Indicators”. Energy analysis in peach orchards is useful to decide best management strategies. The objectives of this study were to evaluate (a) the energy flow among conventional, integrated and organic farming systems and (b)the effect of farming system to greenhouse gas-emissions. Sixteen farms (four conventional, nine integrated, three organic) at six […]

Common ground: restoring land health for sustainable agriculture

The IUCN publication indicates that recent major international reports have highlighted the alarming impact of food production systems on climate change, land and biodiversity. This report shows that common ground between the agriculture and conservation sectors for mutually beneficial action exists, and that there is great potential for widespread adoption of sustainable agricultural practices that can meet […]

Exergoenvironmental-Life cycle cost analysis for conventional, low external input and organic systems of rice paddy production

Climate change, increasing energy demand, and fossil fuel constraints have led to many plights regarding sustainable food and agricultural production. The purpose of this paper is to assess of exergoenvironmental aspects across different paddy production systems, including conventional (CS), low external input (LEI), and organic systems (OS) in Iran. Also, life cycle cost (LCC) and […]

The Carbon and Global Warming Potential Impacts of Organic Farming: Does It Have a Significant Role in an Energy Constrained World?

About 130 studies were analyzed to compare farm-level energy use and global warming potential (GWP) of organic and conventional production sectors. Cross cutting issues such as tillage, compost, soil carbon sequestration and energy offsets were also reviewed. Finally, we contrasted E and GWP data from the wider food system. We concluded that the evidence strongly […]

EIP-AGRI Focus Group – Pests and diseases of the olive tree: Final report

Over 750 million olive trees are cultivated worldwide, 95% of which are in the Mediterranean region. Several insects, pathogens and nematodes affect olive trees, threatening olive production. Both the number of pests and diseases and their frequency has increased dramatically in recent years, causing serious damage to overall EU olive production. Trade and the movement […]