La lavorazione conservativa del suolo nelle aziende biologiche non riduce la resa delle colture

Secondo un recente studio olandese (si può scaricare QUI), nelle aziende biologiche la lavorazione ridotta del terreno per la conservazione del suolo non riduce significativamente la resa delle colture commercializzabili. Nonostante i timori di un aumento dell’attività delle infestanti, soprattutto nelle aziende agricole in cui non si usano erbicidi, la lavorazione ridotta del terreno ha […]

“How Tillage and Crop Rotation Change the Distribution Pattern of Fungi”

Massive sequencing of fungal communities showed that climatic factors, followed by edaphic and spatial variables, are feasible predictors of fungal richness and community composition. This study, based on a long-term field experiment with tillage and no-tillage management since 1995 and with a crop rotation introduced in 2009, confirmed that tillage practices shape soil properties and […]

Long-term effectiveness of sustainable land management practices to control runoff, soil erosion, and nutrient loss and the role of rainfall intensity in Mediterranean rainfed agroecosystems

The study is published in the journal Insects. Mediterranean environments are especially susceptible to soil erosion and to inappropriate soil management, leading to accelerated soil loss. Sustainable Land Management (SLM) practices (such as reduced tillage, no-tillage, cover crops, etc.,) have the potential to reduce soil, organic carbon (OC), and nutrient losses by erosion. However, the […]