Agricoltura biologica per un'Europa a zero emissioni: al via “OrganicClimateNET”
Il FiBL è alla guida di OrganicClimateNET, un progetto che cerca di contribuire alla mitigazione e all’adattamento ai cambiamenti climatici nel settore dell’agricoltura biologica. Il progetto è stato lanciato ufficialmente il 1° febbraio 2024 e si concluderà nel 2028. L’iniziativa mira a creare una rete pilota di 250 aziende agricole biologiche in 12 Paesi dell’Ue […]
Welfare and environmental impact of organic pig production
The handbook summarizes the results of the Core Organic Cofund project POWER, aiming to increase animal health and welfare of organic pigs while reducing the environmental footprint of the farming systems. It provides a common toolbox of knowledge-based strategies for designing and managing concrete outdoor runs, reducing piglet mortality and health problems and improving system […]
Progetto Core Organic: “Benessere e impatto ambientale della produzione di suini biologici”
Il gruppo di istituti che partecipa al progetto Core Organic Cofund POWER , tra cui FIBL, CREA, INRAE, ha pubblicato un manuale che mira ad aumentare la salute e il benessere dei suini biologici, riducendo al contempo l’impronta ambientale dei sistemi di allevamento. Fornisce un quadro comune di strategie basate sulla conoscenza per la progettazione […]
Agronomic Efficiency of Animal-Derived Organic Fertilizers and Their Effects on Biology and Fertility of Soil: A Review
The review is published in the Journal of Agronomy. Healthy soils are essential for progressive agronomic activities. Organic fertilization positively affects agro-ecosystems by stimulating plant growth, enhancing crop productivity and fruit quality and improving soil fertility. Soil health and food security are the key elements of Organic Agriculture 3.0. Landfilling and/or open-dumping of animal wastes […]
Does organic farming reduce environmental impacts? – A meta-analysis of European research
Article published in the Journal of Environmental Management. Organic farming practices have been promoted as, inter alia, reducing the environmental impacts of agriculture. This meta-analysis systematically analyses published studies that compare environmental impacts of organic and conventional farming in Europe. The results show that organic farming practices generally have positive impacts on the environment per […]
Exergoenvironmental-Life cycle cost analysis for conventional, low external input and organic systems of rice paddy production
Climate change, increasing energy demand, and fossil fuel constraints have led to many plights regarding sustainable food and agricultural production. The purpose of this paper is to assess of exergoenvironmental aspects across different paddy production systems, including conventional (CS), low external input (LEI), and organic systems (OS) in Iran. Also, life cycle cost (LCC) and […]