Vibrational communication and mating behavior of the greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae)

The greenhouse whitefly (GW), Trialeurodes vaporariorum is considered one of the most harmful insect pests in greenhouses worldwide. The GW mating behavior has been partially investigated and its vibrational communication is only in part known. A deeper knowledge of its intraspecific communication is required to evaluate the applicability of control methods based on techniques of […]

Produzione biologica di fragole: l’uso dei semiochimici aiuta a controllare importanti parassiti

Un nuovo studio pubblicato sulla rivista Pest Management Science ha dimostrato che i semiochimici possono gestire efficacemente uno dei parassiti più dannosi dal punto di vista economico nella produzione biologica di fragole, la cimice lygus (Lygus spp.). I semiochimici sono composti organici che inviano dei segnali agli insetti alterandone il comportamento: sono utilizzati per attirarli […]

Effects of Field and Landscape Scale Habitat on Insect and Bird Damage to Sunflowers

Agriculture-dominated landscapes harbor significantly diminished biodiversity. Woody vegetation along field margins can provide farmers with ecosystem services and benefit biodiversity. However, when crops are damaged by the biodiversity harbored in such vegetation, farmers are reluctant to incorporate field margin habitat onto their land and may even actively remove such habitats. We investigated how damage by […]