Intercropping of wheat and pea can suppress weed growth and enhances water use efficiency under Mediterranean conditions – IntercropVALUES Practice Abstract for organic farming
Weed management in agriculture is an important issue. Conventional agriculture relies on the use of synthetic herbicides which have detrimental environmental & health impacts. The use of intercropping with different crop species and high density, can suppress the development of weeds and so, improve the weed management in a sustainable way, as well as enhance […]
Intercropping wheat and pea for on-farm pasta production in organic systems
While traditional pasta has become a staple food worldwide, several public health strategies agree that their nutritional qualities could be improved. The quality improvement through the crop diversification has not been sufficiently studied in semi-arid climate and organic production. Intercropping winter wheat with field pea in organic systems enables to increase the protein content of […]
Intercropping e valorizzazione dell'agroecosistema con il progetto DIVERSILIENCE
La consociazione, ovvero la pratica di coltivare insieme due o più specie di colture, è una pratica consolidata in agricoltura, nota per i suoi vantaggi nel potenziare la biodiversità, migliorare la stabilità della resa e ridurre l’incidenza di parassiti e malattie. Il progetto DIVERSILIENCE, attraverso l’innovazione strategica della consociazione multispecie di cereali e foraggi, mira […]
Agroecological Service Crops Drive Plant Mycorrhization in Organic Horticultural Systems
Mycorrhizal symbiosis represents a valuable tool for increasing plant nutrient uptake, affecting system biodiversity, ecosystem services and productivity. Introduction of agroecological service crops (ASCs) in cropping systems may determine changes in weed community, that can affect the development of the mycorrhizal mycelial network in the rhizosphere, favoring or depressing the cash crop mycorrhization. Two no-till […]