The Role of Trees and Pastures in Organic Agriculture
Environmental concerns associated with annual row crop grain production – including soil erosion, soil carbon loss, intensive use of chemicals and petroleum, limited arable land, among others – could be addressed by converting conventional livestock production to an organic pasture based system. The inclusion of tree crops would further enhance the opportunity for feeding pasture- […]
Conventional or organic cattle farming? Trade-offs between crop yield, livestock capacity, organic premiums, and government payments
An important question for farmers is whether to run their farm conventionally or organically. This choice can significantly affect the farm’s financial performance and its impact on the environment. OBJECTIVE – The primary objective of this study is to compare the profitability of conventional and organic cattle systems and investigate how it is associated with […]
OrganicAdviceNetwork: una rete paneuropea di consulenti biologici
L’obiettivo dell’Ue di raggiungere il 25% di terreni agricoli biologici entro il 2030 richiede il triplicarsi dell’attuale superficie biologica e l’inclusione di 700.000 nuovi agricoltori. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, sono necessari fino a 20.000 consulenti biologici in più nell’Ue. Una rete diversificata di consulenti esperti Il progetto OrganicAdviceNetwork (OAN), finanziato dall’Ue, in atto dall’aprile 2024 […]
Organic Farm Knowledge: nuova collaborazione con l'Organic Advice Network, la Rete di Consulenza Biologica
La piattaforma Organic Farm Knowledge si basa sullo scambio di conoscenze e sulla collaborazione con i vari attori della catena del valore del sistema alimentare biologico. Partenariati e collaborazioni sono essenziali per creare un cambiamento duraturo. Per rafforzare ulteriormente le alleanze, e per raggiungere il nostro obiettivo comune di promuovere pratiche agricole più sostenibili ed […]
Vitamin E supplementation – revised recommendations for organic dairy cow production (RELACS practice abstract)
Vitamin E is essential, and supplementation to the diet is often needed to meet the requirements of cows. Current supplementation recommendations may be overestimated in forage -based systems where grazing or grass -clover silages are the basal diet, with low to moderate levels of concentrate feed. An update of the requirements and recommendations for vitamin […]
FIBL: updated technical guide gives practical tips on cow-reared calf husbandry for organic and conventional
The publication describes the natural relationship between the cow and her calf and draws conclusions for the species-appropriate rearing of calves. Calf husbandry in a mother-bonded or fostered calf rearing system is of growing interest to livestock farmers. More and more dairy farmers want to leave calves with their mothers for longer and still milk […]
Revision of Vitamin E recommendations for organically managed dairy cows
Vitamin E is essential and supplementation to the diet is often needed to meet the requirements of farm animals. This is particularly relevant during long indoor periods where conserved forages must be fed, as conservation can degrade Vitamin E. However, synthetic vitamins are regarded as contentious inputs in organic agriculture. Therefore, the aim of this […]
Revision of Vitamin E recommendations for dairy cows in organic agriculture: a review-based approach
Vitamin E is essential and supplementation to the diet is often needed to meet the requirements of farm animals. This is particularly relevant during long indoor periods where conserved forages must be fed, as conserva-tion can degrade Vitamin E. However, synthetic vitamins are regarded as contentious inputs in organic agriculture. Therefore, the aim of this […]
A basket of options to control worms in organic sheep production systems
Organic sheep producers are aware that worm control issues continue to pose a threat to their business. To a large extent, they still have to rely on dewormers to maintain the health and productivity of their animals. Research on alternative strategies for worm control can now be put into practice. These strategies have been developed […]
Revision of Vitamin E recommendations for dairy cows in organic agriculture: a review-based approach
Published in “Biological Agriculture and Horticulture”. Vitamin E is essential and supplementation to the diet is often needed to meet the requirements of farm animals. This is particularly relevant during long indoor periods where conserved forages must be fed, as conservation can degrade Vitamin E. However, synthetic vitamins are regarded as contentious inputs in organic […]