Risk factors associated with the prevalence of Listeria monocytogenes in manured soils on certified organic farms in four regions of the United States
In “Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems” – Biological soil amendments, including raw or untreated manure, are currently used to improve soil fertility, especially in organic operations that prohibit use of synthetic fertilizers. However, addition of untreated manure may pose a risk of contamination of fresh produce by pathogens of public health significance, including Listeria monocytogenes. Organic […]
Una ricerca negli USA: i periodi di attesa imposti dall'USDA riducono efficacemente i rischi per la sicurezza alimentare nelle aziende biologiche
Le pratiche di agricoltura biologica regolamentate, negli Stati Uniti, dall’USDA, limitano con successo il rischio di colonizzazione del suolo da parte di batteri patogeni, secondo un recente studio americano (si può scaricare QUI) pubblicato sulla rivista Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. Lo studio ha rilevato che il periodo di attesa obbligatorio, imposto dal National Organic […]
L’Organic Center USA riprende uno studio europeo sulle alternative agli input esterni nelle aziende biologiche
Sebbene gli agricoltori biologici si astengano dall’uso di prodotti chimici inorganici e fertilizzanti sintetici, le piante e il bestiame possono essere trattati con input esterni approvati. E nonostante le sostanze approvate per l’uso nel biologico debbano avere conseguenze negative minime per il loro utilizzo, è importante rivedere e valutare regolarmente il loro potenziale impatto sull’ambiente […]
Postharvest Quality and Storability of Organically Versus Conventionally Grown Tomatoes: A Comparative Approach
Published in “Biology and Life Sciences Forum” – In various parts of India, tomatoes are grown using eco-friendly indigenous organic manures prepared from cow products, for sustainable food production by small and marginal farmers. The main objective of the study was to compare the postharvest quality characteristics and storability between organically grown tomatoes using indigenous […]
Survival and Persistence of Foodborne Pathogens in Manure-Amended Soils and Prevalence on Fresh Produce in Certified Organic Farms: A Multi-Regional Baseline Analysis
Biological soil amendments of animal origin (BSAAOs), including untreated (e.g., raw or aged manure, or incompletely composted manure) and treated animal products (e.g., compost), are used for crop production and as part of soil health management. Application of BSAAO’s must be done cautiously, as raw manure commonly contains enteric foodborne pathogens that can potentially contaminate […]
‘Organic fertilisation enhances generalist predators and suppresses aphid growth in the absence of specialist predators’
The study has been published in “The Journal of Applied Ecology”. Biological control by natural enemies is a valuable ecosystem service. The predator community in a crop field is a combination of predators dwelling in the field and those moving into it from the surrounding landscape. The former is mainly affected by field management, the […]
Studio di ‘Applied Ecology’: l'uso di letame come fertilizzante organico aiuta il controllo dei parassiti
Gli agricoltori biologici si affidano anche ai predatori naturali per controllare i parassiti delle loro colture piuttosto che usare prodotti chimici. Un nuovo studio pubblicato nel Journal of Applied Ecology ha scoperto che l’uso di fertilizzanti organici costruisce un’importante fauna del suolo che aumenta le popolazioni locali di predatori naturali i quali forniscono un controllo […]
Reshaping agro-food system and closing its nitrogen cycle: the potential of combining dietary change, agroecology, and circularity
After World War II, the evolution of Europe’s agro-food system has been marked by intensified use of synthetic fertilizers, territorial specialization, and integration in global food and feed markets. This evolution led to increased nitrogen (N) losses to aquatic environments and the atmosphere, which, despite increasing environmental regulations, continues to harm ecosystems and human well-being. […]