Reintroducing hemp cultivation in Mediterranean areas (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract)
There has recently been a renewed interest in hemp from the food sector for its contribution to cropping system sustainability and farm economy in semi-arid Mediterranean environments, particularly in organic farming. However, its re-introduction into the Mediterranean environment requires the identification and improvement of cropping practices, particularly in crucial stages such as sowing, harvest and […]
Apricots cultivars suited for organic production in the Mediterranean region
A BioFruitNet practice abstract. Planting cultivars not adapted to local conditions leads to agronomical difficulties in organic fruit production. Choosing cultivars wellsuited to biotic (e.g., pests and diseases) and abiotic conditions (e.g., chilling requirements (vernalisation), soil type) is a key to sustainable organic apricot production. Adapted varieties make orchard management easier, less reliant on plant […]
Diversified rotations in protected vegetable production systems (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract)
In protected vegetable systems of the Mediterranean area, rotations are based on a limited number of species and botanical families. In the long term, this favours the development of soil pests and diseases. In order to diversify rotations, a workshop brought together DiverIMPACTS case study 25 (CS25) participants including farmers, technicians, marketers and scientists, to […]
Multi-species summer cover crop in protected vegetable systems (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract)
In protected vegetable systems of the Mediterranean area, having bare soil for several weeks in late summer, post cash crop harvest, may induce soil degradation. Providing a soil cover in any period is key to preserve the soil’s biological activity and maintain good agronomic conditions (e.g. soil structure) for the following crops. A mixture of […]
"Percorsi per il futuro dei sistemi alimentari sostenibili nel Mediterraneo", evento il 21 giugno

Nell’ambito del Vertice delle Nazioni Unite sui Sistemi Alimentari del 2021, il Centro Internazionale di Alti Studi Agronomici Mediterranei (CIHEAM), l’Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite per l’Alimentazione e l’Agricoltura (FAO), il Segretariato dell’Unione per il Mediterraneo (UfMS), il Programma Sistemi Alimentari Sostenibili della Rete One Planet delle Nazioni Unite (OPN-SFSP), e la Fondazione Partnership per la […]
Organic Ecosystem: 10 febbraio, 1° incontro con gli stakeholder

Il 1° incontro aperto del progetto “Organic Ecosystem” avrà luogo mercoledì 10 febbraio dalle 10.00 alle 12.00. Si discuterà della strategia in agricoltura biologica per la regione mediterranea e si darà ai partecipanti la possibilità di apprendere come collaborare e beneficiare del progetto. Lo scopo del progetto è quello di creare una rete consolidata di […]
Long-term effectiveness of sustainable land management practices to control runoff, soil erosion, and nutrient loss and the role of rainfall intensity in Mediterranean rainfed agroecosystems
The study is published in the journal Insects. Mediterranean environments are especially susceptible to soil erosion and to inappropriate soil management, leading to accelerated soil loss. Sustainable Land Management (SLM) practices (such as reduced tillage, no-tillage, cover crops, etc.,) have the potential to reduce soil, organic carbon (OC), and nutrient losses by erosion. However, the […]
TIBIO-MED – "La qualità dei prodotti agroalimentari nel mediterraneo: politica, normativa ed economia per il biologico ed il tipico”
Obiettivi generali: Il progetto ha l’obiettivo di migliorare il livello di sicurezza alimentare delle comunità rurali e mantenere elevato il tasso di impiego nel settore agricolo nei Paesi della sponda sud del Mediterraneo, contribuendo in primo luogo a ridurre il fenomeno migratorio attraverso la promozione di politiche di sviluppo rurale che facciano cardine sulla conoscenza […]