“La valorizzazione ecosostenibile degli oliveti secolari: l’esperienza del progetto Cross Border Olive” – "Eco-sustainable enhancement of ancient olive groves: the experience of the cross-border olive project"
Ripercorrendo idealmente l’antico tracciato della Via Traiana, il progetto Cross Border Olive (CBO INTERREG IPA CBC) ha inteso legare Italia, Albania e Montenegro attraverso i rispettivi oliveti storici e le millenarie culture sviluppatesi attorno ad essi. Le iniziative capaci di creare una coscienza olivicola del territorio, i percorsi turistici consapevoli, le attività di tutela e […]
Use of Copper-Based Fungicides in Organic Agriculture in Twelve European Countries
The reduction of copper-based plant-protection products with the final aim of phasing out has a high priority in European policy, as well as in organic agriculture. Our survey aims at providing an overview of the current use of these products in European organic agriculture and the need for alternatives to allow policymakers to develop strategies […]
Results of the BfR MEAL Study: The food type has a stronger impact on calcium, potassium and phosphorus levels than factors such as seasonality, regionality and type of production
Published in “Food Chemistry”. The BfR MEAL Study aims to provide representative levels of chemical substances in foods consumed by the population in Germany for dietary exposure assessment. Calcium, potassium and phosphorus (Ca, K, P) are essential to obtain physiological functions in humans. Levels were investigated in 356 foods. Foods were purchased representatively, prepared as typically […]