Organic Farm Knowledge: nuova collaborazione con l'Organic Advice Network, la Rete di Consulenza Biologica
La piattaforma Organic Farm Knowledge si basa sullo scambio di conoscenze e sulla collaborazione con i vari attori della catena del valore del sistema alimentare biologico. Partenariati e collaborazioni sono essenziali per creare un cambiamento duraturo. Per rafforzare ulteriormente le alleanze, e per raggiungere il nostro obiettivo comune di promuovere pratiche agricole più sostenibili ed […]
Un webinar della FIBL: Alla scoperta della piattaforma di conoscenza delle aziende agricole biologiche
Il 19 novembre 2024 dalle 10.00 alle 11.30 CET, verrà presentato online l’hub definitivo per lo scambio di conoscenze sull’alimentazione e l’agricoltura biologica. Che siate agricoltori, consulenti, ricercatori o appassionati di biologico, la piattaforma Organic Farm Knowledge è la vostra porta d’accesso alle migliori pratiche biologiche. La piattaforma fornisce l’accesso a un’ampia gamma di materiali […]
Organic aquaculture – Weaknesses and opportunities in the sector
The document is in Italian. The state of organic aquaculture in Europe and Italy: current situation, certification bodies, insights from producers and EU regulations as well as on aquaculture practices. The European Green Deal and its associated strategies, the Farm to Fork Strategy and the Biodiversity Strategy, have identified organic production as an important tool […]
A basket of options to control worms in organic sheep production systems
Organic sheep producers are aware that worm control issues continue to pose a threat to their business. To a large extent, they still have to rely on dewormers to maintain the health and productivity of their animals. Research on alternative strategies for worm control can now be put into practice. These strategies have been developed […]
Benessere e impatto ambientale della produzione di suini biologici: una raccolta di schede informative
Esistono problemi comuni di benessere animale legati alla mortalità dei suinetti e ai problemi di salute durante lo svezzamento. Inoltre, i pascoli all’aperto in cemento nei sistemi di allevamento dei suini da carne mettono in discussione gli obiettivi biologici e sono associati a un elevato rischio di emissioni di ammoniaca, mentre i sistemi di pascolo […]
Apple scab (Venturia inaequalis): robust cultivars for Central Europe (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract)
Apple scab (V. inaequalis) is the main disease in organic apple production. Availability of varieties is a major problem as only a few robust varieties are available on the market. The researchers propose a list of currently well-known robust varieties that are suitable for large scale production. Current breeding of new cultivars is crucial for […]
Using a partner crop in maize for weed suppression (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract)
It is very common to use chemical herbicides to control weeds in maize. Considering the negative environmental impact of this practice and the societal pressure to reduce herbicide use, finding alternative solutions is desirable. The diversification of the maize crop is a possible solution: sowing the maize in a (winter) partner crop, mowing the partner […]
Suitable European plum cultivars for organic orchards establishment (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract)
Organic plum production is affected by a variety of factors: unmarketable cultivar characteristics (flavour, soluble solids content, stone adherence), reduced storage, small size and low resistance to fungal diseases and Plum Pox Virus (PPV). The work proposes a list of robust cultivars suitable for plum organic orchards establishment. Choosing the best height/size plum cultivars will […]
Multi-species summer cover crop in protected vegetable systems (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract)
In protected vegetable systems of the Mediterranean area, having bare soil for several weeks in late summer, post cash crop harvest, may induce soil degradation. Providing a soil cover in any period is key to preserve the soil’s biological activity and maintain good agronomic conditions (e.g. soil structure) for the following crops. A mixture of […]
Diversified rotations in protected vegetable production systems (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract)
In protected vegetable systems of the Mediterranean area, rotations are based on a limited number of species and botanical families. In the long term, this favours the development of soil pests and diseases. In order to diversify rotations, a workshop brought together DiverIMPACTS case study 25 (CS25) participants including farmers, technicians, marketers and scientists, to […]