The Management of Fungal Diseases in Organic Production Systems Through a Mixture of Durum Wheat Varieties
Fungal diseases are a yield-limiting factor for wheat. Their management in organic production systems is one of the prevailing challenges because it must be based mainly on indirect measures through agricultural practices. Variety mixtures are one of these practices, a concept that has been demonstrated to improve several factors affecting yield. Recently, it has become […]
Biodynamic, organic and integrated agriculture effects on cv. Italia table grapes juice, over a 3‑year period experiment: an 1H NMR spectroscopy‑based metabolomics study
Background The new trend demanding for “natural” agri-food products has encouraged the application of more sustainable and eco-friendly farming methods, which limit or avoid the use of synthetic chemicals. This approach is increasing in viticulture, one of the sectors with the highest commercial value since grapes and derived products are largely consumed foodstuffs, with appreciated […]
How organic agriculture protects our natural water resources, by Ina Hiester
Long-lasting heat and droughts followed by intense storms with heavy rain and floods: in the face of the climate crisis, more and more attention evolves around the scarcity or surplus of water. Already for 2023, Southern European countries such as Spain, Portugal, Italy, and France are reporting an unusual lack of rainfall, whilst many Northern […]
Biological Activity of Extracts from Differently Produced Blueberry Fruits in Inhibiting Proliferation and Inducing Apoptosis of HT-29 Cells
For several decades, people have been searching for natural substances of plant origin that, when introduced into the diet, could strengthen immunity, have anticancer properties, and support conventional therapy. The development of agriculture with the implementation of various plant cultivation systems, apart from the economic aspect, results in the search for such cultivation conditions that […]
Scale-dependent effectiveness of on-field vs. off-field agri-environmental measures for wild bees
The effectiveness of agri-environment schemes depends on scheme type, taxon and landscape. Here, we show how spatial scale, i.e. studied transect, field or farm level, and controlling for yield loss, can drastically change the evaluation of biodiversity benefits of on-field (organic farming) vs. off-field (flower strips) schemes. We selected ten agricultural landscapes in Central Germany, […]
The energy efficiency of organic agriculture: a review
Growing populations and a constrained fossil-manufactured energy supply present a major challenge for society and there is a real need to develop forms of agriculture that are less dependent on finite energy sources. It has been suggested that organic agriculture can provide amore energy efficient approach due to its focus on sustainable production methods.This review […]