Rese produttive: bio vs convenzionale, il caso dei paesi extra-Ue

Il biologico riesce ad avere rese migliori rispetto all’agricoltura convenzionale? In determinate condizioni sì, lo dimostra uno studio commissionato dall’ente di certificazione CCPB e realizzato dal centro studi Areté srl, che ha analizzato e confrontato le rese medie di numerose culture in una serie di 11 paesi extra-europei. I risultati completi sono stati presentati nel […]

A Systematic Review of Organic Versus Conventional Food Consumption: Is There a Measurable Benefit on Human Health?

The review aims to systematically assess the evidence related to human health outcomes when an organic diet is consumed in comparison to its conventional counterpart. Relevant databases were searched for articles published to January 2019. Clinical trials and observational research studies were included where they provided comparative results on direct or indirect health outcomes. Thirty-five […]

Transforming olive grove conventional farming system into organic in Crete, using Integrated Natural Resources Management practices – Policy recommendation for sustainable use of natural resources in olive grove farming

The olive farming is an important agricultural sector in the European Union, particularly in the southern Mediterranean coastline countries. More than 95 % of the olive production in the EU-28 is concentrated in the Member States, Spain, Italy and Greece. The EU is the global leader in olive production, accounting for almost 70% of total […]