Producing seeds in organic agriculture: Coriander
This technical sheet explains the key points to successfully produce coriander seeds in organic agriculture. When coriander is properly planted and cared for, it is a relatively hardy seed-bearing crop, developing rapidly while showing little susceptibility to various pests. This technical sheet, in French, deals with the production of coriander seeds in organic agriculture. It […]
How organic farming practices preserve biodiversity in the natural world while growing healthy abundant food, by Olivia CooK
L’interessante articolo, in lingua inglese, illustra con molta efficacia i benefici all’ambiente ed alla biodiversità apportati dall’agricoltura biologica, portando il lettore attraverso quelle che sono le principali pratiche di questo tipo di agricoltura, presentate in modalità spot: colture di copertura, rotazioni, uso del compost, no-till, gestione delle avversità e dei parassiti, pascolo, gestione degli animali… […]
Drosophila suzukii control: Preventive measures in organic stone fruit orchards
A BioFruitNet practice abstract. The spotted wing drosophila Drosophila suzukii is an invasive pest attacking soft fruit species (berries, cherries, plums, grapes), as well as many wild berry plants. D. suzukii female adultslay eggs into the fruits from which larvae develop. The control strategy of D. suzukii includes preventive measures1 such as orchard management, field […]
Multi-species summer cover crop in protected vegetable systems (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract)
In protected vegetable systems of the Mediterranean area, having bare soil for several weeks in late summer, post cash crop harvest, may induce soil degradation. Providing a soil cover in any period is key to preserve the soil’s biological activity and maintain good agronomic conditions (e.g. soil structure) for the following crops. A mixture of […]
Fourth International Symposium on Biological Control of Bacterial Plant Diseases
A collection of abstracts from the Fourth International Symposium on Biological Control of Bacterial Plant Diseases. Biological control is a key element of sustainable agriculture but also the central feature to protect biodiversity and reduce pollution in the world. The need to promote biological control of plant pests and disease becomes a necessity especially for […]