Sows and piglets adjust their use of an outdoor paddock with season and piglet age during the first weeks of life in an organic farm
From PPILOW project – Few studies have examined sows and piglets’ use of outdoor access during their first weeks of life, when reared with access to a hut and a pasture as in the organic system. We studied whether the age of the piglets and the season of the year influenced the use of an […]
Successful weaning of organic piglets
The technical guide considers the difficulties around weaning piglets and shows what measures are necessary to prevent problems and to remedy them in acute cases.
Una nuova guida FIBL: "Svezzamento di successo dei suinetti biologici"
La guida tecnica “Svezzamento di successo dei suinetti biologici” descrive come svezzare i suinetti senza l’uso di antibiotici. È la prima di una serie di guide tecniche del FiBL che forniscono approcci alla prevenzione delle malattie e alla gestione responsabile dei giovani animali. Una serie che mira a rafforzare la salute degli animali da allevamento […]