Existing sustainability efforts and policies in the food systems in the EU and worldwide
Ensuring everyone in the EU and the world has access to a nutritious diet in a sustainable way is one of the greatest challenges we face, and one of the most ambitious targets of the Sustainable Development Goals framework. The need for a transformation of food systems towards sustainability is increasingly being recognised, as demonstrated […]
Cultivating sustainability – The role of EU Food Systems in advancing the SDGs
EU food systems resemble complex webs of relationships spanning supply chains, consumption patterns, ecosystems, human health, and planetary boundaries and demanding systemic approaches for fostering a transition towards more sustainable outcomes. The Farm to Fork Strategy outlines a vision for such a transition to align healthy societies with a healthy planet, presenting an integrated pathway […]
Basis for monitoring the performance of Sustainable Development Goals in Organic Food Systems – A first approximation
In: Sustainable Food System, Vol. 2 Series of publications by Department of Organic Food Quality and Food Culture of the University of Kassel One way to approach the food systems transformation is through the prism of food system outcomes. The present PhD study employed a mixed methods research design and actor-oriented approach to investigate the […]
“L'agricoltura biologica – un percorso realistico? Evidenze dalla ricerca sui sistemi a lungo termine”
Il rapporto “What is the contribution of organic agriculture to sustainable development? A synthesis of twelve years (2007-2019) of the long-term farming systems comparisons in the tropics (SysCom) – Qual è il contributo dell’agricoltura biologica allo sviluppo sostenibile? Una sintesi di dodici anni (2007-2019) di confronti tra sistemi agricoli a lungo termine nei tropici” è […]
Alla FAO in marzo il simposio mondiale sulla biodiversità del suolo
Il Simposio mondiale sulla biodiversità del suolo (GSOBI20), ” Keep soil alive, protect soil biodiversity -Mantieni il suolo vivo, proteggi la biodiversità del suolo” sarà un incontro politico-scientifico della durata di tre giorni, dal 10 al 12 marzo, che avrà luogo presso la sede dell’Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite per l’alimentazione e l’agricoltura (FAO) a Roma, […]