The State of Play of Copper, Mineral Oil, External Nutrient Input, Anthelmintics, Antibiotics and Vitamin Usage and Available Reduction Strategies in Organic Farming across Europe

Although input use in organic agriculture is strictly regulated, and significantly less contentious inputs are applied in organic than in conventional farming systems, copper, mineral oil, external nutrient input, anthelmintics, antibiotics and vitamins are still commonly used among organic farmers in the EU, partly due to the scarce availability of alternative products and the difficulty […]

Fertilizzanti biologici: il loro uso si traduce in una migliore salute del suolo e in una resa migliore nel lungo periodo

Un recente studio di Geoderma, “Long-term organic fertilizer substitution increases rice yield by improving soil properties and regulating soil bacteria”, mostra che, nel tempo, i rendimenti biologici possono eguagliare e persino superare quelli convenzionali quando la salute del suolo e la biodiversità che si sono sviluppate portano a una migliore produzione delle colture.  Le ricerche […]

Organic farming: basic principles and good practices – Dossier 2021

Demand for organically produced food is continuously increasing, as is the interest of governments. It is expected that the organic area will continue to grow but producers must change many things to transition to organic. The basic principles of organic agriculture are a great starting point for those interested in transitioning to growing their crops […]

Crop management system and carrot genotype affect endophyte composition and Alternaria dauci suppression (a long-term trial comparing organic and conventional management)

The research article is published in Plos One. Managing pests in carrot production is challenging. Endophytic microbes have been demonstrated to improve the health and productivity of many crops, but factors affecting endophyte dynamics in carrot is still not well understood. The goal of this study was to determine how crop management system and carrot […]