Role of organic farming for achieving sustainability in agriculture
Agriculture and farming have a long history. Agriculture is the main economic structure for many developed and developing countries. The modern agricultural practices affect the environment namely nutrient cycle, soil erosion, carbon sequestration, and many other ecological patterns. Organic farming is influential practice to minimize the environmental and ecological impact of sustainable development. Usage of […]
IFOAM OE: in un infografica i benefici del biologico per il clima e la biodiversità
IFOAM Organics Europe ha realizzato un simpatica infografica in varie lingue che mostra l’approccio sistemico dell’agricoltura biologica alla mitigazione del clima, all’adattamento degli agricoltori alle conseguenze dei cambiamenti climatici e all’aumento della resilienza dei sistemi agricoli, alla protezione e valorizzazione della biodiversità. Le pratiche comuni dell’agricoltura biologica, come la rotazione delle colture e l’uso di […]
A COMMON AGRICULTURAL POLICY FIT FOR THE FUTURE – The vision of the organic movement for the CAP post 2027
The European Union’s agricultural and food system is in urgent need of transformation to improve environmental sustainability and farmers’ economic well-being, while remaining competitive. IFOAM Organics Europe calls for an ambitious reform of the Common Agriculture Policy (CAP), that will enable an agroecological transition of the agri-food system benefiting all actors of society, farmers and […]
Healthy and safe organic food in the function of environmental protection and biodiversity conservation with a focus on global trends and innovations
Healthy and safe organic food plays a crucial role in environmental protection and biodiversity conservation. Organic agriculture is an approach to cultivating healthy and safe food and other agricultural products that rely on natural methods and processes, avoiding the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), and other synthetic substances. The primary goal […]
Factors to scale out innovative organic farming systems: A case study in Flanders region, Belgium
CONTEXT: Sustainability transitions in agri-food systems are expected to reduce their negative environmental and social impacts. On the other hand, Europe demands an increase in the agricultural land under organic farming by 2030. Innovations in agri-food systems, especially in the organic sector, could close the gap in sustainability transitions and the foreseen conversion to organic […]
Towards sustainable food systems – An analysis of EU policy measures setting environmental sustainability requirements
The current challenges affecting the EU food system call for an urgent shift towards more sustainability. As set out by the Commission Farm to Fork Strategy, the path to achieve such an ambitious goal should promote policy coherence at EU and national level, mainstream sustainability in food-related policies and strengthen the resilience of food systems. […]
Existing sustainability efforts and policies in the food systems in the EU and worldwide
Ensuring everyone in the EU and the world has access to a nutritious diet in a sustainable way is one of the greatest challenges we face, and one of the most ambitious targets of the Sustainable Development Goals framework. The need for a transformation of food systems towards sustainability is increasingly being recognised, as demonstrated […]
Sustainable food systems: change of route in the Mediterranean
The book, ‘Sustainable Food Systems. Change of Route in the Mediterranean’, explores food system sustainability through a transdisciplinary approach, highlighting the intricate challenges which face food systems – from production to consumption – emphasising the vital role of the Mediterranean diet across different sectors, and recognising ecosystem-dependent relationships and interdependencies. Inspired by the discussions held […]
Sustainability in organic breeding – Improving the entire system or adjusting some genes?
The briefing provides an overview of the organic food and farming movement’s understanding of sustainability in crop breeding. As IFOAM Organics Europe, the European organic umbrella organisation and voice of organic with the EU institutions, we wrote this document to assess and counter the European Commission’s narrow and problematic approach to sustainability traits in plant […]
Un Manifesto di IFoam Organics Europe per le prossime elezioni europee: sei priorità da affrontare per la transizione verso sistemi alimentari sostenibili e aree rurali europee vitali
Organics Europe presenta un Manifesto che espone una visione per aree rurali europee vitali in cui l’agricoltura sia sostenibile, resiliente e giusta. L’agricoltura biologica è al centro di questa visione, incarnando pratiche non solo benefiche per l’ambiente, ma anche economicamente sostenibili. Il biologico è parte della soluzione alle sfide che l’agricoltura europea deve affrontare oggi. […]