“Enabling sustainable food systems. Innovators’ handbook” – Un manuale della FAO
I sistemi alimentari sostenibili sono fondamentali per garantire alle generazioni future la sicurezza alimentare e una dieta sana. Per la transizione verso la sostenibilità, molte attività del sistema alimentare devono essere ricostruite, e una miriade di attori in tutto il mondo stanno iniziando ad agire a livello locale. Mentre alcuni cambiamenti sono più facili di […]
An Overview on Agroecology and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Sustainable Crop Production
Within the new “European Green Deal”, the European Commission defined crucial challenges for the agriculture of future decades, such as making food production more sustainable by considering the local pedo-climatic and socio-economic specificities. To meet the European Green Deal objectives, contributing to the Farm to Fork, Biodiversity 2030 and Zero Pollution strategies, win-win solutions at […]
Common ground: restoring land health for sustainable agriculture
The IUCN publication indicates that recent major international reports have highlighted the alarming impact of food production systems on climate change, land and biodiversity. This report shows that common ground between the agriculture and conservation sectors for mutually beneficial action exists, and that there is great potential for widespread adoption of sustainable agricultural practices that can meet […]
MedForum2018 “Research and Innovation: Tools for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security”
After the success of the 1st edition of Montpellier in 2016, CIHEAM organized the 2nd edition of the Mediterranean initiative for PhD students and young researchers (MedForum2018) at CIHEAM Bari (Italy) from 18 to 20 September 2018. MedForum2018, entitled “Research and Innovation: Tools for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security”, focused on the CIHEAM Strategic Agenda […]
Risk Management Tools for Sustainable Agriculture: A Model for calculating the Average Price for the Season in Revenue Insurance for Citrus Fruit
Risk management in agriculture is at the heart of major reforms in many OECD countries and European agricultural policies. Price risks, which are generally not insurable per se, have been covered by the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), which has been shaped as a system of protection against market shocks and an instrument for income stabilization. […]
Voluntary Guidelines for the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Farmers’ Varieties/Landraces
The cultivation of diverse farmers’ varieties/landraces, which tend to be well-adapted and suited to local production systems, confers increased resilience for crop production. Farmers’ varieties/landraces are also potential sources of traits for crop improvement, especially for developing varieties tolerant to biotic and abiotic stresses and for incorporating farmer-preferred traits. Unfortunately, many of these genetic resources […]