Farm gate profitability of organic and conventional farming systems in the tropics
Systematic studies on the economic competitiveness of organic farming systems compared to conventional farming systems are particularly lacking in tropical environments. In tropical regions, the evaluation of organic production systems typically concentrates on main cash crops earmarked for export markets. Consequently, crops grown in rotation or in association with these main crops have been largely […]
The potential of agroecology and organic
Agroecology and organic agriculture present promising alternatives to the current food system, supported by a growing body of evidence. This policy factsheet aims to present decision and policymakers and experts in the context of international cooperation with concise information on how AE/O approaches can contribute to a beneficial transformation of production systems in the Tropics. […]
Cultivating change with agroecology and organic agriculture in the tropics – Bridging science and policy for sustainable production systems
Agroecology and organic agriculture present promising alternatives to the current food system, supported by a growing body of evidence. Despite the potential of AE/O, their full benefits cannot be realised in most countries due to political and institutional barriers and lock-ins, including incentives and funding that favour “business as usual” food systems. Overcoming present and […]
Ecological approach to organic farming in the Tropics – Introducing the active system approach
This factsheet introduces the ecological approach to organic farming, changes that are necessary to implement the approach, expected benefits, and provides a few examples of recommended systems for the tropics. The information is based on long-term experiments and on-farm research conducted in the scope of three projects across different countries in Africa, as well as […]
Ecological approach to pest and disease management in the Tropics – Prevention and direct control measures
This factsheet introduces the integrated ecological approach to organic pest and disease management, how to best prevent problems and direct control methods. The information is based on long-term experiments and on-farm research conducted in the scope of three projects across different countries in Africa, as well as Bolivia and India. The products are intended for […]
Productivity on ecological organic farms in the Tropics – Producing good yields using the ecological approach
This factsheet discusses some best organic practices for good yields in ecological organic systems, the role of diversity, and highlights some opportunities and challenges with selected crops in organic production. The information is based on long-term experiments and on-farm research conducted in the scope of three projects across different countries in Africa, as well as […]
Ecological approach to soil fertility and health in the Tropics – Practices that improve the soil and meet crops needs
This factsheet introduces soil fertility and health, explains how the holistic organic farming approach improves soil fertility, provides some practices which contribute to improving soil health and help meet the nutrient requirement of crops, animals and humans. The information is based on long-term experiments and on-farm research conducted in the scope of three projects across […]
Profitability on ecological organic farms in the Tropics – Major factors to achieve good profits
This factsheet introduces the ways in which organic farmers can be profitable, and highlights some of the major factors from the experiences of the research related to profitability, namely: labour, organic inputs, best practices and market access. The information is based on long-term experiments and on-farm research conducted in the scope of three projects across […]
Biodiversity and climate change adaptation on ecological organic farms in the Tropics
This factsheet introduces: how organic farmers can team up with a diversity of plants, animals and micro-organisms to increase their ability to adapt to changes and reduce risks. The information is based on long-term experiments and on-farm research conducted in the scope of three projects across different countries in Africa, as well as Bolivia and […]