Webinar "Trattamenti con acqua calda per la sanificazione dei semi di ortaggi" nella produzione biologica

Il 26 marzo, dalle 10.00 alle 13.00 CET, LiveSeeding terrà un webinar online sui trattamenti con acqua calda per la sanificazione dei semi di ortaggi. I trattamenti con acqua calda sono un metodo per sanificare le sementi nella produzione biologica di ortaggi. Sono utilizzati per controllare i patogeni trasmessi dai semi in diverse specie di […]
Economic and Environmental Sustainability Assessment of an Innovative Organic Broccoli Production Pattern
Published in Agronomy. Organic farming nowadays is held up as a model of sustainability; however, this is not always an economic advantage for farmers due to the reduced yields compared to the conventional regime. The aim of the study is therefore to provide an environmental and economic analysis of the innovative organic model proposed by […]
Impact of Agroecological Practices on Greenhouse Vegetable Production: comparison among Organic Production Systems
In greenhouses, where intensive systems are widely used for organic production, the differences between “conventionalized” and agroecological approaches are especially evident. Among the agronomic practices, green manure from agroecological service crops (ASCs) and organic amendments represent the main tools for soil fertility management with respect to the substitution of synthetic fertilizer with organic ones (the […]