Mechanical weed control in organic orchards: Gyroscopic crumblers

In organic orchards, weed control is very important, as herbicides are not allowed. Additionally, purely superficial mowing of the undergrowth is not sufficient, especially in spring with young & low-stem trees. Solution The gyroscopic crumbler regulates the weeds mechanically by means of two horizontally rotating tools, one of which also swings out into the inter-trunk […]

Advantages and disadvantages of weed control in tree rows using soil coverage

A BioFruitNet publication. Soil cover can be a very efficient weed control method and can also improve water management. However, it also may cause disadvantages for tree growth and yield.  By keeping the tree row free of plant cover and other material, the tree row is less attractive for rodents and the heat radiation from […]

Using a partner crop in maize for weed suppression (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract)

It is very common to use chemical herbicides to control weeds in maize. Considering the negative environmental impact of this practice and the societal pressure to reduce herbicide use, finding alternative solutions is desirable. The diversification of the maize crop is a possible solution: sowing the maize in a (winter) partner crop, mowing the partner […]

Agronomic and genetic assessment of organic wheat performance in England: a field-scale cultivar evaluation with a network of farms

Yield gaps between organic and conventional agriculture raise concerns about future agricultural systems which should reduce external inputs and face an unpredictable climate. In the UK, the performance gap is especially severe for wheat that, as a result, has a small and shrinking organic acreage. In organic wheat production, most determinants of crop performance are […]

Organic Farm Knowledge: Winter field peas as green manure before maize

On arable farms without livestock, nitrogen insufficiency can occur when cultivating nutrient demanding crops like maize. This can lead to yield losses and weed infestation. Use a green manure of winter field peas before growing crops that have a high nitrogen demand in the rotation.  Ploughing in winter field peas in spring can provide more […]

Flame weeding: alternative weed control without herbicides

The use of plant protection products poses numerous risks to the environment, including biodiversity. The use of flame weeding can avoid herbicides and pesticides. In the leaflet “Flame weeding – Alternative weed control without herbicides” this weed control is presented.

Coltivazione di spinaci biologici: ricerca di metodi di coltivazione più efficienti

Il consumo di prodotti biologici in Europa è in aumento. Un ortaggio popolare che non riesce a soddisfare questa domanda sono gli spinaci biologici. Ciò è dovuto principalmente al difficile controllo delle erbe infestanti in questo fragile ortaggio a foglia seminato a distanza ravvicinata, e ai severi requisiti di qualità del prodotto coltivato. Il prodotto […]

Effect of Biosolarization and Cover Crops on Weeds and Soil-borne Pathogens

As the negative health and environmental effects of chemical soil fumigation become more apparent, it is critical to devise safe, alternative methods of soil fumigation. Organic growers constantly struggle with weed control and need innovative, chemical‐free weed management techniques.  Soil solarization is an organic method that has been proven to provide effective weed, pathogen, and […]