Corso online sugli agrumi biologici di BIOFRUITNET
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Il 20 aprile, dalle 10:00 alle 13:00, via zoom, l’esperta di agrumi biologici Rosa Vercher, dell’Università Politecnica di Valencia, terrà il corso BIOFRUITNET sugli agrumi biologici in spagnolo. Gli argomenti trattati saranno i seguenti: Rischi fitosanitari. Problemi emergenti per gli agrumi biologici Biodiversità funzionale Strategie di gestione dei parassiti Dopo le presentazioni ci sarà tempo […]
Distretto biologico della Maremma in divenire: sono più di 1250 le aziende
Come riporta Toscana Chianti Ambiente, l’esigenza dei consumatori di acquistare cibo buono e sano sta dando notevole impulso al settore del biologico nonostante un nutrito gruppo di associazioni e comitati sostenga che una modifica inserita di straforo nel Piano Strategico Nazionale della nuova PAC (Politica Agricola Comune) 2123-2027 rischi di bloccare di fatto l’espansione dell’agricoltura biologica, facendo ritornare indietro la SAU certificata di diversi […]
An Overview of Pest and Disease Occurrence in Organic Pome Fruit Orchards in Europe and on the Implementation of Practices for Their Control
There is limited data regarding the specific problems faced by organic fruit growers when dealing with plant protection, particularly at a European Union level, though some general knowledge about pest and disease incidence can be found. Such information is crucial to improve the efficacy of a targeted knowledge transfer to organic fruit growers and advisors […]
Knowledge Networks in Organic Fruit Production across Europe: A Survey Study
Limited data regarding the resources and methods used by organic fruit growers to learn about production practices are available, even though this information is crucial to improving the efficacy of knowledge transfer. Therefore, a survey to gain information from knowledge networks dealing with organic fruit production about their structural organisation, tasks and methods of communication […]
Practices to improve soil fertility and nutrient availability in organic fruit orchards
A BioFruitNet practice abstract. Organic fruit orchards are dependent on commercial organic fertilizers derived from intensive conventional animal husbandry. These inputs are contentious and to be phased out. As a solution, it is possible to develop new fertilization strategies based on farm internal resources (e.g., clover based), plant-based sources (e.g., grain legumes as living mulch […]
Organic fertilizers in fruit orchards
A BioFruitNet practice abstract. Fertilization of organic fruit orchards strongly relies on authorized external commercial fertilizers leading to nutrient flows from conventional into organic farming systems. The use of alternative fertilizers including legume-based materials and non-contentious external commercial fertilizers, should be based on locally available resourced. An integrated approach is recommended. Alternating and integrating different […]
Functional biodiversity: Mediterranean plants to improve natural enemies in organic citrus
Resurgent pests or invasive exotic pests (e.g., two new species of mealybugs, or the Trioza erytreae, transmitter of the Huanglongbing disease (HLB)) are major challenges of the Mediterranean citriculture). The solution could be to increase the presence and prevalence of natural enemies of pests through the introduction of plant biodiversity such as perimeter hedges, ground […]
Drosophila suzukii control: Preventive measures in organic stone fruit orchards
A BioFruitNet practice abstract. The spotted wing drosophila Drosophila suzukii is an invasive pest attacking soft fruit species (berries, cherries, plums, grapes), as well as many wild berry plants. D. suzukii female adultslay eggs into the fruits from which larvae develop. The control strategy of D. suzukii includes preventive measures1 such as orchard management, field […]
Suitable European plum cultivars for organic orchards establishment
A BioFruitNet practice abstract. Organic plum production is affected by a variety of factors: unmarketable cultivar characteristics (flavour, soluble solids content, stone adherence), reduced storage, small size and low resistance to fungal diseases and Plum Pox Virus (PPV). The experts propose a list of robust cultivars suitable for plum organic orchards establishment. Choosing the best […]
Direct regulation of the black cherry aphid in organic table cherry production
A BioFruitNet practice abstract. The black cherry aphid (Myzus cerasi) is the main pest in modern organic table cherry production. In orchards with installed rain protection and insect nets, robust aphid populations can build up, leading to significant yield losses and tree damage. The black cherry aphid can be indirectly and directly regulated. This practice […]