Webinar: “L’uso di cereali diversi da mais nell’alimentazione del suino pesante”

Si svolge mercoledì 11 dicembre 2024 alle  ore 15:00, in modalità webinar, una sessione pratica del progetto Feed Face Climate Change, progetto che mira ad aumentare le conoscenze sulle colture ad interesse zootecnico più resilienti al cambiamento climatico: si tratta di colture ad uso foraggero e mangimistico inserite in rotazioni sostenibili.

Dual-Purpose Poultry in Organic Egg Production and Effects on Egg Quality Parameters

Egg laying genotypes have been selected for generations due to their high yield and egg quality, resulting in efficient feed utilization and low body weight; hence, they are not suitable for meat production. This imposes an issue for the male layer chicks, which are killed at one day old. Because of ethical and food waste concerns, the search for suitable dual-purpose genotypes in order to avoid euthanasia of male day-old chicks has intensified.

Welfare issues and potential solutions for laying hens in free range and organic production systems: A review based on literature and interviews

In free-range and organic production systems, hens can make choices according to their needs and desires, which is in accordance with welfare definitions. Nonetheless, health and behavioral problems are also encountered in these systems. The aim of this article was to identify welfare challenges observed in these production systems in the EU and the most promising solutions to overcome these challenges. It is based on a review of published literature and research projects complemented by interviews with experts.

Sows and piglets adjust their use of an outdoor paddock with season and piglet age during the first weeks of life in an organic farm

From PPILOW project - Few studies have examined sows and piglets’ use of outdoor access during their first weeks of life, when reared with access to a hut and a pasture as in the organic system. We studied whether the age of the piglets and the season of the year influenced the use of an outdoor area by piglets and the sow, and the use of indoor spaces.

Regione Campania: CSR 2023-2027 - Intervento SRA30 azione B (Benessere animale) annualità 2025: avviso agli allevatori

La Regione comunica che per l’ammissibilità ai previsti benefici dell’intervento SRA30 deve essere resa disponibile, tra l’altro, una scheda con i requisiti di benessere animale determinati in autocontrollo dal veterinario aziendale/incaricato, rilevabile dal sistema ClassyFarm, entro e non oltre l’inderogabile data del 31 dicembre 2024, pena la non ammissibilità della domanda stessa (paragrafo 7 del bando).