The World Of Organic Agriculture – 2025
The World of Organic Agriculture – 2024
Wheat intercropping with canola promotes biological control of aphids by enhancing enemy diversity
Intensive agriculture relies largely on monocultures and plant protection chemicals to sustain food security but leaning towards such practices undermines environmental sustainability due to negative impacts towards ecosystem services. This increases the need of biodiversity driven pest management strategies especially for wheat, one of the main food crops, worldwide. In Pakistan, which is comprised in […]
The Role of Trees and Pastures in Organic Agriculture
Environmental concerns associated with annual row crop grain production – including soil erosion, soil carbon loss, intensive use of chemicals and petroleum, limited arable land, among others – could be addressed by converting conventional livestock production to an organic pasture based system. The inclusion of tree crops would further enhance the opportunity for feeding pasture- […]
Supporting Innovation in Organic Agriculture: A European Perspective Using Experience from the SOLID Project
Organic farming is recognized as one source for innovation helping agriculture to develop sustainably. However, the understanding of innovation in agriculture is characterized by technical optimism, relying mainly on new inputs and technologies originating from research. The paper uses the alternative framework of innovation systems describing innovation as the outcome of stakeholder interaction and examples […]
Role of organic farming for achieving sustainability in agriculture
Agriculture and farming have a long history. Agriculture is the main economic structure for many developed and developing countries. The modern agricultural practices affect the environment namely nutrient cycle, soil erosion, carbon sequestration, and many other ecological patterns. Organic farming is influential practice to minimize the environmental and ecological impact of sustainable development. Usage of […]
Direct regulation of the black cherry aphid in organic table cherry production
The black cherry aphid (Myzus cerasi) is the main pest in modern organic table cherry production. In orchards with installed rain protection and insect nets, robust aphid populations can build up, leading to significant yield losses and tree damage. The black cherry aphid can be indirectly and directly regulated. This practice abstract gives recommendations for […]
Plant protection in organic pome fruit cultivation – Pflanzenschutz in biokernobstanbau
The regulation of diseases and pests is the key to successful organic cultivation of pome fruit. Besides preventive measures such as the selection of a suitable site, vigorous varieties and rootstocks, as well as maintenance measures for crops, a great number of products are now available for direct plant protection. The technical sheet provides essential […]
Effects of biodynamic preparations 500 and 501 on vine and berry physiology, pedology and the soil microbiome
In the pursuit of increasing sustainability, climate change resiliency and independence of synthetic pesticides in agriculture, the interest of consumers and producers in organic and biodynamic farming has been steadily increasing in recent decennia. This is, in particular, the case for the vitivinicultural industry in Europe, where more and more producers are converting from organic […]
“L’agricoltura italiana conta 2024”
Giunto alla 37° edizione, il volume “L’agricoltura italiana conta”, curato dal CREA Centro Politiche e Bioeconomia, fornisce una fotografia dell’andamento del settore agricolo e del quadro delle relazioni che il settore primario intreccia con il resto dell’economia, la società e l’ambiente. Nel 2023, le performance economiche del settore agricoltura silvicoltura e pesca hanno registrato un […]