Overview of organic agriculture development in Europe and Central Asia

Organic agriculture continues to develop dynamically in Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region. In most countries, the area used for organic is increasing, and the market continues to grow. In most countries in the ECA region that are not Member States of the European Union, organic agriculture is in a pioneer phase, with the potential to enhance food security, rural development, sustainable livelihoods and environmental integrity. The increased demand for organic products provides an opportunity to develop the organic agriculture sector in the region and fulfil countries’ desires to protect the environment, biodiversity and family farming.
This regional publication provides an overview of the development of organic agriculture in eighteen (18) countries in the following ECA sub-regions: Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan); Eastern Europe (Belarus, Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation and Ukraine); South Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia); and South Eastern Europe (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey).
The report includes an in-depth analysis of how these countries have achieved the current state of organic agriculture regarding legislative and policy frameworks, governance systems, production, key actors, marketing, opportunities and challenges, and future strategies. The presence of transparent and reliable information enables credibility, informed decision-making and policy-making, and investment in the development of the organic agriculture sector.
This publication is expected to provide a reliable and updated source of information and knowledge for all interested parties, including policy makers, government officials, the private sector donor agencies and development partners in the region. Finally, we hope this report will help in some way in facilitating increased co-operations in development of organic agriculture among the ECA member countries to achieve sustainable and economic development in the region.
FAO. 2020. Overview of organic agriculture development in Europe and Central Asia. Budapest. https://doi.org/10.4060/cb0890en