Thanks to globalization, it is now possible to obtain almost any kind of food, regardless of season or growing region. This is due to modern cultivation technology, logistical networks and the free movement of labour, which means that food produced in remote parts of the world often travels a very long distance from the grower to the consumer’s table. The standard retail model involves a complex web of logistical pathways, which is currently primarily employed by traditional retail marketing. The participants in this model of fresh vegetable retailing are agents, auctioneers, wholesalers and various retailers. Although at first it may seem that the present system is to consumers’ advantage, since they can easily get the food they want, and only need to visit a single supermarket to get it, in fact the picture is not quite so simple. The current model can be criticized on several points, as it makes it difficult for small farmers and small or medium-sized enterprises to access the market, while there are also major issues involving environmental pollution and food safety. At present, the interests of small producers can best be represented by the expansion of short food supply chains (SFSCs), and their promotion to consumers. In this study, we describe the concept and forms of SFSC, as well as some Hungarian examples, hoping that the reader will also be encouraged to try these systems.
Zsófia Perényi – Ágnes Szegedyné Fricz – Emese Gyöngyösi
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