Technical factsheet: Apple blossom weevil in organic farming

How to recognize, evaluate and manage the apple blossom weevil in organic apple orchards.
The apple weevil, Anthonomus pomorum (L.), is a beetle of the Cucurlionidae family (weevil) and poses a great challenge for organic apple growers.
This tool offers informations on how to:
Recognize and know the pest.
Evaluate its presence in the orchard.
Know the risk factors and control methods in organic farming.
Controlling so-called secondary pests is a growing concern for arboriculturists. The greater selectivity of the plant protection methods partly explains the increase in their presence. In the current phytosanitary context, it is essential to characterize the risks and identify the solutions available to control these pests. The apple maggot is a pest whose damage intensity in orchards the intensity of damage in orchards has increased over the last few decades in many regions of Europe. Several studies report damage intensities of up to up to 90%, calling into question the medium-term profitability of the crop in the medium term.