Economic analysis of certification systems for organic food and farming (CERTCOST)

The main project objective is to generate research based knowledge on how to improve the organic food certification system in terms of efficiency, transparency and cost effectiveness.

Key work content

  1. To provide baseline information on the organic certification systems.
  2. To analyze the implementation of organic certification systems and to assess all relevant expenditure and transaction costs.
  3. To investigate the main benefits of certification systems for consumers.
  4. To develop and apply economic models that improve risk-based certification systems and allow costs of certification systems to be related to the benefits gained.
  5. To develop recommendations from the research for different groups of stakeholders.
  6. To include stakeholders’ views into the project work and to share the project results with them and the public



Key work content
To provide baseline information on the organic certification systems.
To analyze the implementation of organic certification systems and to assess all relevant expenditure and transaction costs.
To investigate the main benefits of certification systems for consumers.
To develop and apply economic models that improve risk-based certification systems and allow costs of certification systems to be related to the benefits gained.
To develop recommendations from the research for different groups of stakeholders.
To include stakeholders’ views into the project work and to share the project results with them and the public

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