<br /><br />A preliminary trial on citrus nursery management by organic means hasbeen conducted with the aim of seed treatment for conservation, soilfertility management and spider mite control. The seed treatment wasperformed by a combination of thermotherapy and a comparison betweendifferent allowed fungicides (Copper, Equisetum, and Bordeaux mixture).Fifty percent copper solution protected the seeds for at least twomonths. The soil fertility management considered the rootstocksproduction (Citrange troyer, Sour orange, Rough lemon and Trifoliateorange) and took into account the major ingredients, macronutrients andmicronutrinets. In the major ingredients, the soil was found to beessential and the combination of the peat moss sand and soil with equalquantities gave a suitable mixture. When the macronutrients werestudied, a poultry manure-based fertilizer gave the best growth whenapplied at different rates, depending on the rootstock type. Also themicronutrients performed the best when incorporated in the mixture. Thephytosanitary management study tested three approved products tocontrol spider mites (pyrethrins, sulphur and mineral oils). The threetreatments were found to be efficient in the control of the mites andshowed specificity toward the controlled species. <br /><br /><br />Tesi di Master<br />“Master theses Report” Post-graduate Training Programme <br />Mediterranean Organic Agriculture. Research & Experimentation 2001-2003<br /><br />ElGharras Y., Djelouah K., Simeone V., De Santis M., D’Onghia A. M. «Production of organic sour orange rootstocks » in The Xth InternationalCitrus Congress from 15 to 20 February 2004 Agadir, Morocco <br /><br /><br />