USA: l'Organic Center è stato nominato partner di quattro importanti finanziamenti per la ricerca OREI dell'USDA

L'Organic Center ha ricevuto quasi 900.000 dollari di fondi federali attraverso il programma di ricerca OREI (Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative) del Dipartimento dell'Agricoltura degli Stati Uniti. I fondi consentiranno al Centro Biologico di collaborare a quattro nuovi importanti progetti di ricerca OREI. 

A Comparative Assessment on Production Cost and Output Yield of Organic and Bt Cotton Farmers

The recent years has seen a serious concern over the problem of environmental degradation and an urgent need for its sustainability has been raised. To achieve a friendly and green environment, research discloses that organic farming can partly offer a solution. The organic farming has its own benefits and hardship son farmer’s life. This paper therefore attempts to assess the expenditure and margin incurred between organic cotton farmer and Bt cotton farmer.