Apple sawfly control in organic apple production

The apple sawfly, Hoplocampa testudinea Klug, is a hymenoptera of the family Tenthredinidae and poses a great challenge for organic apple growers.
The publication offers information on how to: 1) Recognize and know the pest. 2) Evaluate its presence in the orchard. 3) Know the risk factors and control methods in organic farming.
The control of so-called secondary pests is a growing concern for arboriculturists. The greater selectivity of the phytosanitary protection methods used partly explains the increase in their presence. In the current phytosanitary context, it is vital to characterize the risks and identify the solutions available to control these pests. The apple codling moth is a widespread pest in Europe and North America. In AB apple orchards, it can cause severe yield losses that are economically damaging. Other species of hoplocampus attack pears (H. brevis) and plums (H. minuta and H. flava), and are not covered in this data sheet.