Nitrous Oxide Emissions and Methane Uptake from Organic and Conventionally Managed Arable Crop Rotations on Farms in Northwest Germany
In MDPI journal, section “Sustainability” – Land-use extensification by shifting from conventional to organic arable farming is often discussed as a measure for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from agricultural land. Doubts about the benefits arise when emissions are calculated per product unit, particularly where high yields are possible under conventional management. Among the non-CO […]
Analisi della catena del valore di filiere agroalimentari biologiche – Filiera olio di oliva – 2021
Analisi della catena del valore del latte alimentare biologico – 2021
Overview of organic agriculture development in Europe and Central Asia
Organic agriculture continues to develop dynamically in Europe and Central Asia (ECA) region. In most countries, the area used for organic is increasing, and the market continues to grow. In most countries in the ECA region that are not Member States of the European Union, organic agriculture is in a pioneer phase, with the potential […]
presentazioni SANA 2021
Organic diet intervention significantly reduces urinary glyphosate levels in U.S. children and adults
A growing set of studies show that an organic diet is associated with reduced levels of urinary pesticide analytes. However, with the exception of one pilot study of two individuals, diet intervention studies to date have not analyzed glyphosate, the most commonly used herbicide in the United States and globally. The aim of the study […]