<div style="text-align: justify;">The University of Pisa
hosted on 28 January the presentation of 10 research projects financed through the 'Italian Action
Plan for Organic Farming 2008-2009'. The plan dedicated around 30% of the available resources to the
technical support and to the applied experimentation in organic farming. The occasion looked very
profitable for exchanging experiences with researchers, operators and institutional representatives
in the field of horticulture, aquaculture, husbandry and public organic catering, the subjects of
the activities undertaken. The results will be widely disseminated.<br></div> <br>The seminar
presentations (in Italian) can be downloaded from the SINAB Italian version.<br><a href="../share/img_lib_files/573_legge-reg-marche-n.%2036%20del%2016%20dic%202008"></a><br><br><br>Source: