<div style="text-align: justify;">Last 7 and 8 March, in Luxembourg, the Eurostat standing committee “Food safety statistics” hosted the Task Force “Organic farming statistics”. Main objective of the meeting: to share the training experiences carried out by each Member State on the questionnaire to collect statistical data on organic farming. <br>In the course of the meeting, and in the context of a possible qualitative and quantitative improvement of data collection, some Member States, out of which Italy, presented the results of excercises undertaken to calculate an estimate of the quantities produced, i.e. the value in tons of the domestic organic production. In particulary, Italy presented the results of a feasibility study undertaken by Chieam-IamB – the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute, in cooperation with the Office for Satistics of MiPAAF.<br>After a wide discussion, different proposals were presented by some experts to modify specific aspects of the questionnaire. The Task Force final document will be proposed, for an approval, to the Standing Committee of Agrarian Statistics of the European Commission. <br><br><br>Source: Sinab <br></div>