Alcaloidi nei lupini: guida pratica FIRAB-FIBL per produttori e trasformatori

Firab ha pubblicato la versione italiana dell’opuscolo informativo dell’Istituto di ricerca dell’agricoltura biologica svizzero FiBL, partner di Firab in Divinfood, che fornisce informazioni e indicazioni sull’analisi e la riduzione dei livelli di alcaloidi nei lupini. I lupini sono una coltura interessante per il sistema agrario. Come altri legumi, sono un’ottima fonte di proteine vegetali, possono […]

The World of Organic Agriculture 2024 – Statistics and Emerging Trends

Organic agriculture is practised in 188 countries, and more than 96 million hectares of agricultural land are managed organically by at least 4.5 million farmers. Global sales of organic food and drink reached almost 135 billion euros in 2022. The 25th edition of “The World of Organic Agriculture”, published by the Research Institute of Organic […]

Cultivating change with agroecology and organic agriculture in the tropics – Bridging science and policy for sustainable production systems

Agroecology and organic agriculture present promising alternatives to the current food system, supported by a growing body of evidence. Despite the potential of AE/O, their full benefits cannot be realised in most countries due to political and institutional barriers and lock-ins, including incentives and funding that favour “business as usual” food systems. Overcoming present and […]

Controllo delle malattie e dei fitofagi in orticoltura biologica – Régulation des maladies et des ravageurs dans les cultures de plein champ

La scheda tecnica (in francese, italiano e tedesco) presenta le possibilità di controllo preventivo delle principali malattie e parassiti nella coltivazione biologica degli ortaggi da pieno campo e fornisce raccomandazioni per l’intervento diretto in caso di infestazione. Vengono presentate misure di controllo pratiche per tre colture tipiche. La fiche technique présente les possibilités de régulation […]

A FIBL technical guide: “Earthworms, architects of fertile soils”

Although much is known about the general taxonomy and biology of earthworms, knowledge about their impact on soils, their interactions with other soil organisms and the influence of farming practices on their populations is increasing only slowly. Earthworms are usually the most abundant soil animals in agricultural soils. They are known to improve physical, chemical […]

Successful weaning of organic piglets

The technical guide considers the difficulties around weaning piglets and shows what measures are necessary to prevent problems and to remedy them in acute cases.

Improving veterinarian’s knowledge of animal husbandry in organic agriculture in Switzerland

There are strict guidelines and strategies for the Swiss organic sector to maintain animal health and reduce antibiotics. Veterinarians need to be made aware of these guidelines. Education and further training for veterinarians to familiarise them with organic farming strategies. A training course was developed with farmers and veterinarians about animal husbandry in organic farming. […]