Visiting friends of Agrobiodiversity Across Europe

The publication takes readers on a journey to 15 organic plant and animal breeding initiatives in Europe. Every initiative is presented by a person involved in the initiative. For each initiative, the aims and challenges are described. The selected examples give a good insight into the great diversity of initiatives to maintain and promote biodiversity […]

Welfare and environmental impact of organic pig production

The handbook summarizes the results of the Core Organic Cofund project POWER, aiming to increase animal health and welfare of organic pigs while reducing the environmental footprint of the farming systems. It provides a common toolbox of knowledge-based strategies for designing and managing concrete outdoor runs, reducing piglet mortality and health problems and improving system […]

How is organic farming performing agronomically and economically in sub-Saharan Africa?

The potential of organic agriculture and agroecological approaches for improving food security in Africa is a controversial topic in global discussions. While there is a number of meta-analyses on the environmental, agronomic and financial performance of organic farming, most of the underlying data stems from on-station field trials from temperate regions. Data from sub-Sahara Africa in […]

Anaerobic digestates as a nutrient source for organic farming

There is a need to find new and sustainable nutrient sources for organic farming. Urban (food) waste can be a highly valuable source with low environmental impact and high recycling efficiency. This source can be used to compensate for the negative nutrient balances in organic farming. However, it must be treated to become hygienic, biologically […]

Organic farming: basic principles and good practices – Dossier 2021

Demand for organically produced food is continuously increasing, as is the interest of governments. It is expected that the organic area will continue to grow but producers must change many things to transition to organic. The basic principles of organic agriculture are a great starting point for those interested in transitioning to growing their crops […]