If intercropping (IC) is so little explored today, it is probably due to the difficulty of answering all the questions raised by the practice: Which species to combine? When and how to sow? How to manage pests and diseases, weed control operations and phytosanitary treatments? What opportunities are possible? And for which environmental, health or economic purposes?
The founders of Interplay© chose to develop a participatory serious game to help farmers explore IC. It has two objectives: – Exploring a wide range of cereal-legume IC scenarios sown simultaneously and identifying the most appropriate intercrops based on the context and goals of the players. -Ensuring that players become more knowledgeable about intercropping.
Interplay© is a tool for reflection enabling assessment of the ecosystem services provided by cereal-legume intercropping, grown under different crop management systems, both organic or conventional. It can also be a source of inspiration for advisors to create their own tool to help farmers choose IC, to conduct workshops, increase players’ knowledge and create a space to exchange knowledge.