Agroecological crop protection for sustainable agriculture

Crop losses from pests threaten global food security and safety. In the last six decades, pest control using chemical pesticides has resulted in important yield gains per unit area, worldwide. However, the long-term sustainability of chemical pest control has been increasingly thrown into doubt due to the negative impact on human health, biodiversity, and the environment.

Conferenza finale di BIOFRUITNET: "Soluzioni innovative nella produzione di frutta biologica"

La conferenza finale del progetto BIOFRUITNET si terrà online il 2 marzo 2023 dalle 9:15 alle 13:30 (CET).

L'agricoltura biologica si basa sulla conoscenza e sul flusso di informazioni. La condivisione delle migliori pratiche disponibili attraverso network più estese è fondamentale per sostenere gli agricoltori biologici in tutta Europa.

Organic fertilizers in fruit orchards (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract)

Fertilization of organic fruit orchards strongly relies on authorized external commercial fertilizers leading to nutrient flows from conventional into organic farming systems. The use of alternative fertilizers including legume-based materials and non-contentious external commercial fertilizers, should be based on locally available resourced. An integrated approach is recommended.

Il contributo dell'ESPP sui fertilizzanti riciclati nell'agricoltura biologica certificata

L'ESPP (la Piattaforma Europea del Fosforo Sostenibile) ha accolto con favore la proposta di autorizzare i fosfati precipitati riciclabili in Agricoltura Biologica, in quanto ciò contribuirà ad affrontare il deficit di P nell'Agricoltura Biologica ed è coerente con il principio del riciclo. L'ESPP ha accolto con favore l'ampliamento del campo di applicazione al di là della sola struvite e l'inclusione del recupero non solo dalle acque reflue urbane.

Increasing crop diversification with flower strips to improve natural pest control and pollination (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract)

Conventional pest control based on the use of synthetic insecticides is very effective, however, this has important negative effects on the environment such as the loss of farmland biodiversity, especially in the group of invertebrates, including many beneficial organisms. Another key problem is the presence of insecticide residues in surface and groundwater or, potentially, in harvested products.

Using a partner crop in maize for weed suppression (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract)

It is very common to use chemical herbicides to control weeds in maize. Considering the negative environmental impact of this practice and the societal pressure to reduce herbicide use, finding alternative solutions is desirable.

The diversification of the maize crop is a possible solution: sowing the maize in a (winter) partner crop, mowing the partner crop, and using the mulch for soil cover and weed suppression.

Multi-species summer cover crop in protected vegetable systems (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract)

In protected vegetable systems of the Mediterranean area, having bare soil for several weeks in late summer, post cash crop harvest, may induce soil degradation. Providing a soil cover in any period is key to preserve the soil's biological activity and maintain good agronomic conditions (e.g. soil structure) for the following crops.