Trento: agricoltura biologica e biodiversità nel territorio, i risultati del progetto “Terra, Aria e Acqua”

Sono stati presentati a Trento i primi risultati del progetto promosso dal Biodistretto di Trento con il supporto del Comune e la consulenza scientifica del MUSE dedicato alla realizzazione di un grande catalogo della biodiversità che insiste nel territorio agricolo del comune capoluogo.

The State of Play of Copper, Mineral Oil, External Nutrient Input, Anthelmintics, Antibiotics and Vitamin Usage and Available Reduction Strategies in Organic Farming across Europe

Although input use in organic agriculture is strictly regulated, and significantly less contentious inputs are applied in organic than in conventional farming systems, copper, mineral oil, external nutrient input, anthelmintics, antibiotics and vitamins are still commonly used among organic farmers in the EU, partly due to the scarce availability of alternative products and the difficulty of implementing preventive strategies.

Nutrient interactions and salinity effects on plant uptake of phosphorus from waste-based fertilisers

Many organically managed farms in Europe have low levels of soil phosphorus (P). Arable farms that rely strongly on biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) have been shown to have rather low outputs and a tendency to deplete soil P and potassium (K) compared with arable farms that have a lower reliance on BNF and higher external inputs. Therefore, research focusing on providing a balanced input of nitrogen (N), P, K and sulphur (S) from alternative sources is of interest to organically managed farms in Europe.

Soil Health and Nutrient Density: Beyond Organic vs. Conventional Farming

Controversy has long surrounded the question of nutritional differences between crops grown organically or using now-conventional methods, with studies dating back to the 1940s showing that farming methods can affect the nutrient density of crops. More recent studies have shown how reliance on tillage and synthetic nitrogen fertilizers influence soil life, and thereby soil health, in ways that can reduce mineral micronutrient uptake by and phytochemical production in crops.

Gennaio 2023: vertice a Bruxelles delle Industrie dei fertilizzanti organici e organo-minerali in Europa (SOFIE2)

Come i prodotti e le tecnologie dei fertilizzanti organici e organo-minerali forniscono specifiche caratteristiche di performance agronomica per le esigenze degli agricoltori è il tema dell'evento che si terrà a Bruxelles il 17-18 gennaio 2023, evento co-organizzato da ESPP, ECOFI, Eurofema e Fertilizers Europe, con il supporto della International Fertiliser Society.

The role of cover crops in improving soil fertility and plant nutritional status in temperate climates. A review

Cover crops (CCs) are a promising and sustainable agronomic practice to ameliorate soil health and crop performances. However, the complex of relationships between CCs, the soil, and the plant nutritional status has been little investigated. In this article, for the first time, we critically review, under a holistic approach, the reciprocal relationships between CCs and the soil physical and hydraulic properties, microbial, and faunal communities, soil nutrient availability, and plant nutritional status in temperate climates.

Veccia: la pianta comune per dire addio al glifosato, utile anche al bio

In una ricerca pubblicata sulla rivista Agronomy for Sustainable Development, un team di ricercatori della Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna e dell’Università di Pisa ha valutato gli effetti della semina del girasole su un terreno non lavorato in presenza di una copertura di veccia. Secondo la ricerca,  la copertura di veccia avrebbe protetto il suolo, riducendo la presenza di erbe infestanti e fungendo da fertilizzante per il girasole dando azoto al terreno.