The EU has set the target of reaching at least 25% organic farmland by 2030. This requires the entry of about 700,000 new farmers into the organic sector, more than doubling of the current organic land area and a substantial increase in supply chains and the complete range of support services.
Advisors with organic competences are essential to reach the 25% target. We estimate that the sector needs about 15,000 advisors in the EU, who can support the new organic farmers. Aligned with the EU’s target the project addresses the urgent need for skilled advisors in organic farming.
Its first objective is to create and animate a diverse network of organic advisors throughout the 27 EU Member States and 7 other European countries.
Our network welcomes experienced organic advisory services and advisors, but also conventional advisors and young graduates and newcomers willing to acquire skills in organic advice.
The project will ensure the animation of the network through various in-person and online opportunities for knowledge exchange and training. As part of the in-person exchange, 30 Cross Visits across five geographical zones will be organized: 20 Cross Visits for the arable and ruminant sectors, and 10 for the vegetable, fruit and viticulture sectors. The project goes beyond technical aspects of organic advice and will also give the opportunity to learn and discuss about different advisory methods by proposing 5 Soft Skills Trainings.
Online animation of the network is also foreseen with the development of e-learning modules covering diverse agricultural topics as well as online networking opportunities to enable peer-to-peer exchange, providing online community spaces for the overall network and 5 thematic networks (Organic Arable Production, Organic Vegetable Production, Organic Fruit Production, Organic Viticulture, Organic Ruminant Husbandry).
Its second objective is to strengthen the development of organic advice through policy recommendations. This will be achieved by mapping the educational systems and further training opportunities for organic advisors, analyzing the financial support of organic advisory services across Europe and identifying promising business models.
More information about the project HERE
Source: Organic Advice Network